Give Thanks With A Grateful Heart

Our lives are a series of mini miracles & beautiful blessings. My mom always told me "Count your blessings", so here goes...

Thursday, December 13, 2012

Hark the Herald Angels Sing!

Christmas is indeed a time of great joy. My fondest memories are going carolling with the gang, the hours of practice, the oh so tired, the yummy food, all the fun we had. It is truly a blessing, this Christmas carols and singing and festivities.

But the main reason for the season must not be clouded out behind the christmas tree or lights at the shoping centre. and as beautiful as carols are, it should never drown out the message that Christ came to save, that God loves us soooooo much, that He would plan for His own Son to come and live among us, die for us, be raised up, and now seated at the right hand of the Father.

God loves us, He did all this for us, all we have to do is to receive the gift of His son, to accept the salvation provided by His death on the cross.

Meaningful Christmas everyone!

Saturday, September 22, 2012

God is good all the time, He puts a song of praise in this heart of mine...What a beautiful song.

God has been amazing, faithful, and so gracious and kind.

A recent hardship was making me crazy, and people were really wondering why i had not been able to complete a big major project.

But after going thru the tough times, i finally understood why.

1. if i had done it as expected (i;m very good) there would be no issue, no testimony, and all glory would have gone to me.

2. but now, because i needed God and cried out to Him, and He answered me, and so now i know and have seen vey clearly that God truly is in charge , in command. and sharing with my friends, so all glory goes to God, to whom it rightly belongs.

to be I experienced God speakingto me...beautiful, comforitng, amazing experience.

Tuesday, April 10, 2012

Thankful for troubles

Is it possible, and is it even right? Sometimes God answers prayers with a big resounding yes and all the people say...yeay. Sometimes His answer is not so clear or not quite what we want to hear, so what do we do then? well, praise God anyway. Wether God answers a prayer or not does not change the fact that He is able to, He is always able to shut the lions mouth, to heal the sick, to raise the dead. I learnt this profound message again recently from "living with courage' a story about the life of Daniel by Our Daily Bread publishers.

So go on, when caught in a fix, together with the last minute whispers of plea, do give thanks as well.