Is it really something to be thankful about, this thing called love? Absolutely, positively, yes, yes, yes. I thinks its one of the MOST amazing things ever. Our God is truly an awesome God, to have created love, to have created us, and our world. It doesn't stop there, it just gets better. He loves us, first. And the best part is, He gives us the capacity to love, and be loved.
So thankful for the love of my life, that our paths crossed some 10 years ago, that we recognized the love we had for each other, worked on it, fought for it, nurtured it. So thankful for the amazing life we share together, for understanding, and forgetfulness ;p, and forgiveness, and fun fun fun. Its just so comforting, and sometimes overwhelming, that there can be soooo much love shared between us.
So thankful for my parents. I only truly appreciated how much my parents love me after having kids of my own. I knew all along that they love me, but the depth and magnitude and sheer power of it just blew me away.So kids, listen up, your parents love for you is just out of this world.
Then there's kids, gosh, where do I even began, so thankful for kids, and how they so innocently look up to me, and love me. And one of life's greatest blessings has to be how we can love one so tiny, so precious, sometimes so annoying, yet always always so full of love.
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